A Quick Sketch of a Human-driven Paper Recommendation Mechanism

This note is about the overall system by which we hear about papers and give them attention. The focus of the note is a very rough draft of a constrained human-based recommendation mechanism.

Posted on: July 19, 2023

Update (Dec 5, 2023): this mechanism is now being implemented at recnet.io.

How we hear of papers to read has changed dramatically in recent years. During my PhD, I would scan the proceedings of conferences. Later, I followed arXiv feeds, and even later looked for recommendations and paper announcements on Twitter. All these ways worked for some time, but became outdated, intractable, or otherwise just devolved into useless dynamics. Right now, I am a bit at a loss.

There are numerous attempts to fix this problem with recommendation systems. I never found these particularly useful or compelling. I am sure many others find them much more useful. But, being surrounded by recommendation systems I find of little utility, I just don’t see that the solution is in automation. Maybe I’m just old.

I occasionally tried to think recently how would a good human recommendation mechanism look like. So, here’s a concrete suggestion. It starts very similar to contemporary social networks, but it’s designed to be improvished in certain ways and contain information bottlenecks that increase communication cost. This is intended to limit the amount of time the system consumes from its users, while increasing the quality of information passed. The mechanism aims to piggyback on (a) the reputational incentives of academic research, and (b) the utility of shaping the mindset of your research peers (i.e., influence has a lot of value).

The mechanism is specified as follows: